"In a world of voices, he remained unheard- a boy longing for a friend to listen to the heartache in every world"

Price: Kr. 249,-

Re-launching in Norway in May!


Chasing Death – a touching novel exploring mental health

Today's youth are confronted with numerous obstacles, and sadly, their voices often go unheard. Chasing Death is a compelling novel for both teens and adults, inspired by a true story. It intricately weaves psychological tension with a realm filled with mysticism and emotional battles, depicting a journey through pain, isolation, and hope.

Jason faces his deepest fears – a life oversaturated with bullying, grief, and a relentless obsession with death. His encounter with the enigmatic Niran blurs the lines separating fantasy from reality. Is she his savior or a peril?

The book underscores the critical nature of mental health and the need to be acknowledged. Although Jason feels isolated, the voices in his mind often resonate the most. Will he succeed in his struggle to return to the light?

Chasing Death is composed in English, is accessible for readers, and is ideal for those aged 15 and older.

By pre-ordering Chasing Death today, you can support the novel's relaunch in Norway – plus, enjoy a 20% discount!

About the author 

Cherihane Chehade (39) was born in Lebanon but spent parts of her upbringing in Norway before completing her education in Lebanon. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's degree in educational leadership. In 2020, she moved back to Norway, where she lives with her husband and two children. She works as a lecturer and subject leader in English at Glemmen High School and is also the coordinator for MiR (Diversity, Inclusion, and Respect) in Fredrikstad.

This spring, she is relaunching the novel Chasing Death in Norway – a story that reflects the challenges of youth and mental health. For Chehade, writing has always had an important purpose: to encourage young people to share their own experiences and to understand that behind every smile, there can be a story we do not know.